Bowing their heads, the Interfaith Prayer Service speakers link arms during the closing prayer November 16. Students from all thee abrahamic religions spoke to the school about their religion and experiences.
Discussing the prompt, Seniors Kat Knopke, Lily Dillon and Sara Lillis participate in the Interfaith Prayer Service Nov 16. They are sharing their reflections after Junior Greta Martin’s speech on her religion.
Addressing the crowd, Junior Greta Martin shares her religious experience November 16. Martin, the only Jewish speaker at this year’s Interfaith Prayer Service, talked about Yom Kuppur, the holiest days in the Jewish faith tradition. “I have realized there is so much more to Yom Kippur than fasting and sitting in synagogue for hours as I’ve grown up. It is a time to reflect and realize what changes need to be made in my life,” Martin said.
Singing, Junior Brooke Petro and Music teacher Elizabeth Mulkey perform at the Interfaith Prayer Service November 16. The two led the school in sining a round, which is where two parts start at different times.
Preparing to speak, Interfaith Prayer service leaders discuss their speeches together November 16.
Reflecting on the prompt, freshman Keira Hughes talks with her friends during the Interfaith Prayer Service November 17.
Stepping up to the mic, Junior Natasha Wolfe opens the Interfaith prayer Service with a prayer November 16.
Chatting together, Freshman Kennedy Griggs and Emma Kreamer participate in the Interfaith Prayer Service November 17. They are discussing together after listening to students speak about the Islamic faith tradition.
2023-24 Interfaith Prayer Service
Photogallery of the 2023-24 thanksgiving interfaith prayer service.
Claire Boma, Managing Editor
Nov 17, 2023
PHOTO | Claire Boma
Bowing their heads, the Interfaith Prayer Service speakers link arms during the closing prayer November 16. Students from all thee abrahamic religions spoke to the school about their religion and experiences.
About the Contributor

Claire Boma, Managing Editor
Claire Boma is a senior and managing editor for Le Journal. When not at school you can find her reading in bed or bugging her parents. Claire loves to travel but has no specific dream destination in mind. She has an unhealthy obsession with goldfish and her favorite flavors are rainbow (yes they are a flavor) and cheddar blasted. Her unpopular opinion is that school subjects do not have colors.